More value Hemavan Tärnaby
More value (Mervärde) Hemavan Tärnaby is a financial model for sustainable development developed and operated by Visit Hemavan Tärnaby (DMO) together with local businesses. The ”Mervärde” companies create opportunities for guests to reinvest in the destination, through measures that will attract both visitors and locals. As a guest, you contribute by shoping och staying at the ”Mervärde” companies.

How do I contribute?
By shoping och staying at the ”Mervärde” companies: Tärnaby Fjällhotell, Hemavans Wärdshus, ICA Fjällboden, Persson & Co, Hemavans Högfjällshotell, Trolltunet and Svensk Fastighetsförmedling.

We think we share the love of our mountains and all that it offers, with you who are a guest here and that you want to keep visiting us over and over again. By paying ”Mervärde” you support local development throughout the destination. Together we make Hemavan Tärnaby better!

What is the money going for?
Possible actions that Mervärde Hemavan Tärnaby can fully or partially finance can be, for example, transport within the destination, new events etc, many suggestions are available. Visit Hemavan Tärnaby is responsible for the “mervärde”, and together with the companies, processes the process forward.