Contact Hemavan
Booking Office
Phone bookings: +46 (0)954-301 50
Opening hours: Mon–Fri 09:00–16:30
A fee of SEK 100 per booking is payable for telephone bookings. Naturally, there is no charge for making a booking online.
The Hemavan Tärnaby Tourist Information Office

Phone: +46 (0)954-104 50
The Hemavan Tärnaby Tourist Information Office is located in Tärnaby and has information on the whole region, including the surrounding valleys. It is run by the marketing company Visit Hemavan Tärnaby AB.
Under this link are several more links which provide comprehensive information about local businesses and public sector services. For more information about accommodation and activities, click on the main headings.
At the Tourist Information Office, we can give you tips and advice on the following:
- Where to eat and stay
- Sights and trails
- Fishing tips
- Events
We sell:
Maps, fishing permits, books, postcards, coffee, etc.
Contactinformation to the DMO Visit Hemavan Tärnaby AB
Hotel receptions
At times when the booking office is closed and you need to contact one of the hotels, you can e-mail the hotel reception or call: +46 (0)954-301 50. This also applies if you want to leave a message for a resident.
Skidshop, Uthyrning & Skidskola
Skidskolan i Hemavan +46(0)954-301 20
Solkatten – shop och uthyrning +46(0)954-301 20
Centrumhuset – shop och uthyrning +46(0)954-304 10