And what an exciting season winter 2017/18 promises to be! We’re so looking forward to the premier for Gondol Hemavan, our new gondola ski lift. Will it answer our wishes to give our guests a first-rate tour at the top? To give alpine skiers faster access to the pistes, backcountry and touring skiers a new route into Kobåset, off-pisters new challenges for their muscles?
And let’s not forget our fantastic groomed cross-country ski trails that open early in the season and extend over the mountains for a magical experience during early spring.
Hemavan and Tärnaby are located in such beautiful surroundings, and we all have a responsibility to keep things that way. Those of us who live here are taking measures to limit our environmental impact, and we hope you, our valued guests, notice that when you come here. We’re particularly focused on helping you to be able to move around in the mountains in a sustainably. Your own common sense and respect for animals, nature and other people will get you a long way. But if you want to find out more, we’d be happy to help you.
We can’t wait for the coming winter season, with all the delights of its sub-seasons. We hope you are too and look forward to welcoming you here in Hemavan Tärnaby.